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Digital WoF Voucher

Buy a Digital WoF Voucher to redeem at one of our branches nationwide!


Please note, vouchers are dispatched the following business day after purchasing

Standard Car WoF - $85.00

This Digital WoF Voucher is available for the redemption of 1x VTNZ standard car WoF inspection at participating VTNZ branches.

Here's how it works:

*Please note your Digital WoF Voucher will be processed and dispatched the following business day after purchasing.


1. Purchase Online: Buy a Digital WoF Voucher online by clicking 'Add to Cart" above.


2. Receive Your Code: We'll send you an email with your unique voucher code.


3. Visit Our Branch: Come in for your standard WoF inspection at one of our branches.


4. Redeem Effortlessly: Simply present your unique voucher code at the branch—it's that easy!



Enjoy a hassle-free experience with our Digital WoF Vouchers. Purchase today to redeem a WoF inspection at participating VTNZ branches.

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Come and see us

Visit one of our 75+ Branches nationwide to redeem your Digital WoF Voucher.